Rate Wise

4.8 (11 REVIEWS)

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Rate Wise has 0 reviews from United States of America so we’re unable to verify that they operate in your local market.

What is Rate Wise?

Founded in 2007 | Headquarters in Dublin (Ireland) | 7 employees
Rate Wise is a revenue management system designed to optimize your hotel or serviced apartment’s pricing strategy. By integrating with your Property Management System (PMS) and leveraging competitor data, Rate Wise enhances your revenue strategy and automates rate updates directly in your PMS or Channel Manager. The cloud-based software ensures you’re always using the most current data to make informed pricing decisions, leading to increased revenue and reduced operational costs. Additionally, Rate Wise offers consultancy services to help you implement effective revenue strategies, streamline distribution, and grow brand visibility, making it an invaluable asset for your business operations.

Powered by AI

This description was generated by AI which analyzed the following sources to summarize a description of Rate Wise products, features and capabilities. Leveraging user generated verified data sources allows us to generate a more helpful and realistic description for hoteliers free of sales promotion and hyperbole.


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Description provided by Rate Wise


Rate Wise Alternatives

Not sure if Rate Wise is right for your hotel? Here are similar Revenue Management Systems vendors that could be a good fit for your hotel:



Rate Wise doesn’t have any benefits or use cases available


Pricing Optimization

4/5 features

Market Intelligence & Forecasting

4/5 features

Dashboards & Reporting

4/5 features


4/5 features

Multi-Property Functionality

4/5 features

Rate Wise Reviews Summary

Ease of Use
Customer Support

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Trending Product

This vendor's trending score is rising, Rate Wise is the #38 most trending product in the Revenue Management Systems category (out of 66) and the #1034 most trending product overall in the global hotel tech ecosystem. HTR assesses vendor's real time activity in the market to give buyers a sense of whether a product is gaining momentum

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Certified Support

Rate Wise’s customer support processes haven’t yet been verified by Hotel Tech Report.

Learn more about this achievement in the official press release
Certificate of Excellence

This vendor has not met the minimum criteria for the Certificate of Excellence which is awarded to vendors who exemplify transparent cultures and come highly recommended by their clients. For more information, please see the help center.

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Rate Wise Pricing

Pricing Available By Request

Rate Wise has opted not to share general pricing on their profile but you can request a quote below. Often this is an indicator that pricing is flexible so it is recommended that you obtain multiple price quotes to negotiate.

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Rate Wise Reviews

Hotelier Rating

Very Good

Property Size

  • Medium (5)
  • Large (6)


  • Ireland
  • United Kingdom
    United Kingdom
  • Belgium


  • Europe

Great Tool

GM from 50-74 room City Center Hotel in Oudenaarde (Belgium)

2 years ago
The daily pickup overview is amazing . Everything is seemlessen updated automatically and super easy to navigate. A very smart system
Country Belgium
Medium Hotel

Amazing Service

Hotel Manager from 50-74 room Boutique in Killarney (Ireland)

2 years ago
Rate Wise has been a gamechanger in our hotel. One of the struggles in a medium sized enterprise is allocating resources in the form of employee time to your most valuable tasks. Rate Wise make the process of reviewing and updating rates seamless. Their knowledge of the Market is unsurpassed and I couldn't imagine managing our rates without...
Country Ireland
Hotel Manager
Medium Hotel


Front Office Manager from 100 to 199 room Boutique in Kilkenny (Ireland)

3 years ago
Very Easy to use the Ratewise App - All the team here can easily access it from any desktop. The dashboard showing yesterdays pickup by month would be my favourite to look at each morning.
Country Ireland
Front Office Manager
Large Hotel

Very happy with the product

Cluster General Manager from 25-49 room Airport/Conference Hotel in Reading (United Kingdom)

3 years ago
Easy to work with system, all required information on one page, save time on forecast and checking revenue per market segment.
Country United Kingdom
Cluster General Manager
Medium Hotel

Excellent customer service with a top class RMS

Reservations from 25-49 room Bed & Breakfast & Inn in Killarney (Ireland)

3 years ago
New forecast tool is excellent. Speed of which the RW team e reverts with queries I may have for them.
Country Ireland
Medium Hotel

Excellent Revenue Management System

Resident Manager from 75-99 room Boutique in (United Kingdom)

3 years ago
Excellent revenue management system. Assists greatly in the day to day management of yield revenue and is easy to use. A great system for helping with forecasts and budgets. Also great support if ever needed
Country United Kingdom
Resident Manager
Large Hotel

Proactive and Professional

Area General Manager from 100 to 199 room Bed & Breakfast & Inn in Dublin (Ireland)

3 years ago
Very professional, always reliable, user friendly and a wealth of information! Ratewise are always there to support their colleagues .
Country Ireland
Area General Manager
Large Hotel

Experienced people with a Superior revenue management system

General Manager from 25-49 room Bed & Breakfast & Inn in Killarney (Ireland)

3 years ago
We love the amazing support and insights we get from the Ratewise Team, they are so knowledgeable on revenue management and ensure we get the best rates possible for our hotel.
Country Ireland
General Manager
Medium Hotel

Huge time savings in data entry, great peace of mind

Director of Revenue from 100 to 199 room Bed & Breakfast & Inn in Athlone (Ireland)

5 years ago
Support from them is great, always reachable, great peace of mind Huge time savings in data entry as they have the reports for me 1st thing in the morning Great insight into the industry and revenue management best practice They seem to be constantly development and does seem to take feedback onboard
Country Ireland
Director of Revenue
Large Hotel

Rate Wise Daily Analysis

Cluster Revenue Manager from 75-99 room Boutique in Limerick (Ireland)

5 years ago
Automation of reports Pick up review by market segments I cannot wait to see my today's figures vs same time last year figures
Country Ireland
Cluster Revenue Manager
Large Hotel
  • 1
  • 2

Expert Q&A and Partner Recommendations

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What does this product or service do well?


Many of our hotels use this system and it helps them manage their rates easily and effectively. They are constantly developing the product and take on feedback from the hotels and improve the product to suit the requirements.


What differentiates this product or service from the competition?


Their support and customer service is excellent. From a partnership perspective they have worked very well with Avvio in the past and are easy, friendly and approachable. Hotels we work with speak very highly of the tea at Ratewise.


Based on your experience with this product or service, if you could give one piece of advice to a hotelier considering this product or service, what would it be?


Talk to the team, detail what you are looking for and they will go through in detail what the product can do and if it is suitable for your property. Many of the team have hotel experience so they know exactly what you are looking for.

RecommendationAvatar + 0 recommend
Recommended by
Jennifer Ryan Ecommerce Manager @ Avvio
Jennifer Ryan Ecommerce Manager @ Avvio
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Rate Wise Integrations

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Company Functionality

92% recommended by 2316 hotels

Channel Managers
Oracle Hospitality
Oracle Hospitality

92% recommended by 588 hotels

Property Management Systems

This integration hasn’t been verified by Rate Wise yet.


83% recommended by 154 hotels

Property Management Systems

94% recommended by 355 hotels

Booking Engine
+3 more
SHR Group
SHR Group

95% recommended by 337 hotels

Booking Engine

91% recommended by 260 hotels

Channel Managers
Net Affinity
Net Affinity

94% recommended by 225 hotels

Booking Engine

90% recommended by 127 hotels

Property Management Systems

80% recommended by 105 hotels

Property Management Systems

94% recommended by 22 hotels

Channel Managers



Rate Wise has not yet had their customer support processes certified by Hotel Tech Report. We recommend referencing the GCSC rubric during your demo call to make sure that this vendor has strong processes in place to support customers.

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