Data Plus
5.0 (3 REVIEWS)
Unranked in Hotel Accounting Software
Hospitality Accounting and Budgeting & Forecasting
100% recommended by 6 hotels
Standard Hotels, G&G Hospitality, Amway Hospitality & 3 others
Financial Management System
DP Pay
Forecasting & Budgeting
Compliance & Tax
Data Management & Integration
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This vendor's trending score is rising, Data Plus is the #6 most trending product in the Hotel Accounting Software category (out of 39) and the #402 most trending product overall in the global hotel tech ecosystem. HTR assesses vendor's real time activity in the market to give buyers a sense of whether a product is gaining momentum
Learn moreData Plus Inc’s customer support processes haven’t yet been verified by Hotel Tech Report.
Learn more about this achievement in the official press releaseThis vendor has not met the minimum criteria for the Certificate of Excellence which is awarded to vendors who exemplify transparent cultures and come highly recommended by their clients. For more information, please see the help center.
Learn about the criteria required to achieve HotelTechReport's Certificate of ExcellenceRecommended for
This product is priced in line with the average product in the category which is usually an indicator that it is a standard product with standard functionality designed for typical operations and use cases and properties.
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Data Plus Inc Case Studies
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"Data Plus excels in constant innovation, saving time and money."
"Data Plus is easy, stable, robust, and reliable for reporting."
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Customer support and software is excellent. DPHS always looks to improve the software for their users.
VP Finance and CFO from 500+ room Branded Hotel in Memphis (United States of America)
Data Plus Review. Multiple hotel properties under management operating out of one data base.
CFO from 500+ room Limited Service & Budget Hotel in Middletown (United States of America)
Best Customer Service You'll Find
Regional Controller from 100 to 199 room City Center Hotel in Santa Barbara (United States of America)
It looks like Data Plus Inc is not recommended by any hotels
Check out the top 10 most recommended Data Plus Inc alternativesExpert Q&A and Partner Recommendations
Submit RecommendationWhat does this product or service do well?
Data Plus offers a comprehensive financial management platform tailored specifically for the hospitality industry. The software streamline's hotel financial operations, offering modules for accounting, payments, and supplier management. Its ease of use, scalability, and robust security features, make it ideal for both single properties and multi-property groups. The company’s commitment to innovation and customer support is frequently highlighted, making it a reliable partner in the hospitality sector.
Showing all answers to: "What does this product or service do well?"
What differentiates this product or service from the competition?
Data Plus offer Industry-Specific Solutions & tailored modules for hotel accounting, payments, and supplier management. They are suitable for both single and multi-property hotel groups. They have robust security features designed to meet industry standards. and their customer support is great ensuring smooth implementation and ongoing assistance.
Showing all answers to: "What differentiates this product or service from the competition?"
Based on your experience with this product or service, if you could give one piece of advice to a hotelier considering this product or service, what would it be?
If you're a hotelier considering Data Plus, my advice is to fully assess how well it integrates with your existing systems and operations. While the platform offers powerful tools specifically for hospitality financial management, ensuring compatibility with your current infrastructure is key to maximizing its benefits. Reach out to their customer support for a detailed demo and to discuss any customizations that may be necessary for your unique needs.
Showing all answers to: "Based on your experience with this product or service, if you could give one piece of advice to a hotelier considering this product or service, what would it be?"
Data Plus Inc doesn’t have any post available
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Data Plus Inc has not yet had their customer support processes certified by Hotel Tech Report. We recommend referencing the GCSC rubric during your demo call to make sure that this vendor has strong processes in place to support customers.
This vendor has not been GCSC Certified so Hotel Tech Report is unable to verify their support processes.
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