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Host Hotel Systems
4.5 (1 REVIEWS)
Unranked in Property Management Systems
Software for Hospitality, Hotel Management Solutions, POS, Booking Engine, PMS, and Events Management System
90% recommended by 1 hotels
Powered by AI
This description was generated by AI which analyzed the following sources to summarize a description of Host Hotel Systems products, features and capabilities. Leveraging user generated verified data sources allows us to generate a more helpful and realistic description for hoteliers free of sales promotion and hyperbole.
Verified hotelier reviews
We analyze all verified product reviews as a way to understand and summarize what real users/hoteliers are saying about the product to provide a more accurate and relevant description for buyers than only what vendors provide.
Host Hotel Systems Reviews Analyzed: 0
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We analyze recommendations from industry experts who we ask to describe the most valuable features and capabilities of the product as well as key differentiators and what types of hotels the product works best for to extract unique insights and perspective for buyers.
Host Hotel Systems Expert Recommendations Analyzed: 0
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While its important to incorporate analysis from verified user reviews and industry experts to create more balanced content, the way a vendor describes their overall company and vision can also shed light on their unique perspective or way of doing business which is why the AI ingests this information as well to add more context to paint a picture of what the company says vs what users and industry experts say.
Host Hotel Systems's Provided Description:
"The heart of the system, it keeps and generates all the information of the guests stay. Hostpms enforces the reservation process, offering complete statistic analysis and information about all repetitive guests, so you can serve them best."
Host Hotel Systems doesn’t have any screenshots available
Host Hotel Systems Alternatives
Not sure if Host Hotel Systems is right for your hotel? Here are similar Property Management Systems vendors that could be a good fit for your hotel:
Host Hotel Systems doesn’t have any benefits or use cases available
Accounting & Finance
Marketing & Ecommerce
Administration & Configuration
Customer Management
Front Office
Groups Management
Guest Experience
Reservations Management
Revenue Management
Taxes & Compliance
Support & Training
Food & Beverage
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This vendor's trending score is rising, Host Hotel Systems is the #23 most trending product in the Property Management Systems category (out of 318) and the #456 most trending product overall in the global hotel tech ecosystem. HTR assesses vendor's real time activity in the market to give buyers a sense of whether a product is gaining momentum
Learn moreHost Hotel Systems’s customer support processes haven’t yet been verified by Hotel Tech Report.
Learn more about this achievement in the official press releaseThis vendor has not met the minimum criteria for the Certificate of Excellence which is awarded to vendors who exemplify transparent cultures and come highly recommended by their clients. For more information, please see the help center.
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Pricing Available By Request
Host Hotel Systems has opted not to share general pricing on their profile but you can request a quote below. Often this is an indicator that pricing is flexible so it is recommended that you obtain multiple price quotes to negotiate.
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The complete cloud hospitality platform
Powerful. Intuitive. Unified. One platform to run your property.
OPERA Property Management Suite - from independents to global brands, OPERA is the flexible, configurable, intuitive solution to manage your entire operation
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Market Leader
Global Partner Manager from in Erbil (Iraq)
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Submit RecommendationWhat does this product or service do well?
Host Hotel Systems, a cloud-based technology company that provides hotel brands with innovative software to optimize their operations and enhance the guest experience. The mission is to simplify hotel operations and transform data into strategic insights that drive revenue growth and cost reduction for our clients.
Showing all answers to: "What does this product or service do well?"
What differentiates this product or service from the competition?
They are 20 years old company, based on 15 countries and more than 1800 properties. They offer a suite of Software for Hospitality, Hotel Management Solutions, POS, Booking Engine, PMS and Events Management System.
Showing all answers to: "What differentiates this product or service from the competition?"
Based on your experience with this product or service, if you could give one piece of advice to a hotelier considering this product or service, what would it be?
Host Hotel Systems offers a comprehensive suite of tools to optimize various aspects of hotel management. Unless the have more than 400 integrations one recommendation would be confirm the integration with the rest of your application portfolio.
Showing all answers to: "Based on your experience with this product or service, if you could give one piece of advice to a hotelier considering this product or service, what would it be?"
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Company | Functionality | |
92% recommended by 2316 hotels |
Booking Engine
93% recommended by 1569 hotels |
Housekeeping Software
95% recommended by 1372 hotels |
Rate Shopping
+2 more |
94% recommended by 583 hotels |
Channel Managers
94% recommended by 577 hotels |
Meetings & Events Intelligence
+2 more |
95% recommended by 519 hotels |
Hotel CRM & Email Marketing
92% recommended by 519 hotels |
Revenue Management Systems
97% recommended by 402 hotels |
Upselling Software
This integration hasn’t been verified by TrustYou yet.
89% recommended by 369 hotels |
Reputation Management
90% recommended by 194 hotels |
Guest Messaging Software
Host Hotel Systems has not yet had their customer support processes certified by Hotel Tech Report. We recommend referencing the GCSC rubric during your demo call to make sure that this vendor has strong processes in place to support customers.
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This vendor has not been GCSC Certified so Hotel Tech Report is unable to verify their support processes.
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This vendor does not appear to have basic support essentials. Vendors who provide top tier support maintain a knowledge base help center and product updates changelog for customers.
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