Streamline Operations, Secure Access. Transforming Hotels, Hostels & Airbnbs.
Hotek Hospitality Group
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HOTEK Your Mobile Key : the mobile key solution for all hotel locks worldwide without downloading an app
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This vendor's trending score is rising, Hotek Hospitality Group is the #16 most trending product in the Hotel Keyless Entry Systems category (out of 41) and the #825 most trending product overall in the global hotel tech ecosystem. HTR assesses vendor's real time activity in the market to give buyers a sense of whether a product is gaining momentum
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Streamline Operations, Secure Access. Transforming Hotels, Hostels & Airbnbs.
OpenKey is the leading provider of Digital Key solutions that allow your guests to unlock rooms with their mobile devices, saving them time — and saving you money.
Stunning Locks. Seamless Service. Sensible Pricing. Flexible Financing.
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Today more than ever hotels understand that technology provides solutions that help make better decisions for growth, improved operations, and more importantly to provide safe and secure seamless guest experiences to their guests. With our Hotek technology partnership integrations and their software installed on-premise network, the full range of Hotek smart locks are supported by AeroGuest. High quality and superb design customizable design aesthetic Hotek smart locks unique capability is a good fit for AeroGuest.
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A plastic keycard is considered non-environmental, and even be unsanitary to hand out to every guest staying at the hotel every day. Hence, replacing a plastic key card and having a mobile hospitality solution enabling guests to get a digital key on their own phone is a must. Hotek don’t use Bluetooth but are using a special add-on 100% cloud based controller under the product name GuestKey. We don’t believe in BLE as this is not a good product for security. Our cloud controller can also be placed at existing lock brands. They just plug and play the controller in their lock and convert the lock in a mobile key system.
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Based on your experience with this product or service, if you could give one piece of advice to a hotelier considering this product or service, what would it be?
At AeroGuest we work a lot with web services and Hotek can provide a key that does not need an app download. An approach that appeal to some hotelliers. A relatively new approach to the market and the digital guest journey.
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