Hotelinking | WiFi Captive Portal

4.0 (3 REVIEWS)

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Hotelinking | WiFi Captive Portal

4.0 (3 REVIEWS)

Unranked in Direct Booking Tools

The high-quality guest data generated, will serve as a catalyst for your CRM, improving direct interactions with hotel guests and leading to an increase in direct bookings and guest loyalty.

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I analyzed all of Hotelinking’s product reviews, expert recommendations, features, capabilities, pricing, integrations and more to produce the below summary.

What is Hotelinking?

Founded in 2016 | Headquarters in | 42 employees
Hotelinking | WiFi Captive Portal is a sophisticated Wi-Fi captive gateway solution designed specifically for the hospitality industry. It seamlessly captures valuable guest data from Wi-Fi connections, converting each access into detailed guest profiles. The platform ensures that at least 70% of hotel guests, including those accompanying the reservation owner, are captured effectively. By integrating with existing Property Management Systems (PMS) in real-time, Hotelinking enriches guest profiles with essential PMS data. This results in a comprehensive guest information database that is instantly incorporated into leading Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. The benefit is twofold: hotels gain high-quality, actionable data and guests enjoy a personalized and enhanced stay experience. This makes Hotelinking not just a tool, but a vital part of modern hotel operations aimed at increasing engagement and improving service delivery.


Seamless registration process for users

PMS two-way integration

Advanced email verification algorithms

Real-time guest data import to CRMs

Designed with hotel groups at the forefront


Conversion Boosters

4/5 features


4/5 features

Offers & Promotions

4/5 features

Rate Monitoring & Parity

4/5 features

Messaging & Communication

4/5 features

Available Add-ons & Modules

During & post-stay guest surveys

Reputation Management
Hotelinking enables you to proactively tackle guest complaints. Our tool allows you to detect dissatisfied customers while they are still at your location, enabling you to address their concerns before they escalate into negative reviews on networks such as TripAdvisor. Adopting this proactive strategy not only improves guest happiness while they are staying, but also eliminates the harmful consequences of public negative feedback, thus safeguarding a favorable reputation.


Auto-request Tripadvisor/Google reviews post-stay

Reputation Management
We offer you a series of automated post-stay emails that you can send to your clients so that they can evaluate their experience in your hotel on the most important online reputation channels depending on where they are from, and as a consequence, you will be able to go up in their rankings.


Customizable guest satisfaction surveys

Reputation Management
Requesting feedback from your guests not only showcases your dedication to providing exceptional service but also strengthens their affiliation with your brand. By placing importance on the viewpoints of your guests, you distinguish your service, cultivating a stronger connection that motivates them to contemplate choosing your institution for future visits. This engagement fosters guest loyalty and augments the probability of recurring bookings.


Hotelinking Reviews Summary

Very Good
Ease of Use
Customer Support

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Trending Product

This vendor's trending score is rising, Hotelinking | WiFi Captive Portal is the #5 most trending product in the Direct Booking Tools category (out of 51) and the #221 most trending product overall in the global hotel tech ecosystem. HTR assesses vendor's real time activity in the market to give buyers a sense of whether a product is gaining momentum

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Certified Support

Hotelinking’s customer support processes haven’t yet been verified by Hotel Tech Report.

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This vendor has not met the minimum criteria for the Certificate of Excellence which is awarded to vendors who exemplify transparent cultures and come highly recommended by their clients. For more information, please see the help center.

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Hotelinking Pricing


This product is priced in line with the average product in the category which is usually an indicator that it is a standard product with standard functionality designed for typical operations and use cases and properties.

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Hotelinking Reviews

Hotelier Rating

Very Good

Property Size

  • Medium (1)
  • Large (1)
  • X-Large (1)


  • Spain


  • Europe

Monetize your free Wifi

desk manager from 50-74 room Vacation Rentals & Villa in Marbella (Spain)

3 years ago
Hotelinking helps build client loyalty automatically using the wifi login of your guests. We use it for anniversary rewards and returning customers rewards, turning clients into future direct bookers.
Country Spain
desk manager
Medium Hotel

The data recopilation and the incentives given to the guests during or post

Owner from 100 to 199 room City Center Hotel in Ibiza Town (Balearic Islands)

4 years ago
The data recopilation and the incentives given to the guests during or post stay.
Country Balearic Islands
Large Hotel

Very easy to use and implement. Very Good value.

Sales and Marketing Director from 500+ room Luxury Hotel in Punta Cana (Caribbean)

4 years ago
easy to use and implement within the organization. Many features for the fraction of the cost if you contract each feature to a diferent provider. New features added on a regular basis.
Country Caribbean
Sales and Marketing Director
X-Large Hotel
  • 1

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What does this product or service do well?


Hotelinking stands out for its Captive Portal, a solution that goes beyond a simple Wi-Fi connection. This tool allows hotels to build stronger relationships with their guests by collecting valuable and relevant information. By automating tasks and offering actionable insights, the Captive Portal contributes to improving the hotel's reputation, increasing direct bookings and building customer loyalty.


What differentiates this product or service from the competition?


Unlike other solutions that focus on technology itself, Hotelinking puts the guest at the center of everything. Its Captive Portal offers a more fluid and personalized experience, which translates into greater customer satisfaction and a better hotel reputation. In addition, its ability to integrate data from different sources and offer advanced analysis differentiates it from competitors that offer simpler and more isolated solutions.


Based on your experience with this product or service, if you could give one piece of advice to a hotelier considering this product or service, what would it be?


Basado en mi experiencia con el Portal Cautivo de Hotelinking, mi consejo para un hotelero que considere este producto sería aprovechar al máximo el potencial de los datos. La herramienta te brinda una mina de información sobre tus huéspedes que puedes utilizar para tomar decisiones más inteligentes. Desde personalizar la experiencia de cada cliente hasta optimizar tus operaciones, los datos que obtienes te permiten conocer a tus huéspedes como nunca antes. Así que mi consejo es: ¡aprovecha al máximo el poder de los datos para impulsar tu negocio!

RecommendationAvatar RecommendationAvatar RecommendationAvatar + 1 recommend
Recommended by
Vanessa Tejada Content Specialist @ Roiback
Miguel González Head of Marketing & Communications @ Roiback
Augusto Guitard Integrations Product Owner @ STAY
James Bishop Senior Director, Global Demand Partnerships @ SiteMinder
Vanessa Tejada Content Specialist @ Roiback
Miguel González Head of Marketing & Communications @ Roiback
Augusto Guitard Integrations Product Owner @ STAY
James Bishop Senior Director, Global Demand Partnerships @ SiteMinder
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